Monday, September 22, 2008

The Bard

Big Ben and the Tower Bridge were both very cool, and I'm glad we saw them both, but today's most brilliant star shone from the stage. After a fantastic day of touring and shopping, we sat down for an authentic English pub Fish & Chips Dinner before heading down the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre for an evening of civilized entertainment. Our bellies satisfied whit deep-fried fantasies, we waddled into the circular theatre and took our standing positions in the general admission section (5 Quid for tickets - the best value of our trip!). For the next 3 hours, our minds bounced to the iambic pentameter of Timon of Athens, a play I knew nothing about before but thoroughly enjoyed. The actor playing the lead in this uplifting tale of greed, deceit, bitterness and murder was a both incredibly talented and uncannily similar in appearance to James Taylor. For those unfamiliar with the play, Timon spends the entire second act wearing nothing but a loincloth, so as I watched part of me kept hoping I would get to see a performance of 'You've Got a Friend' by a grown man wearing a diaper. If only all my dreams came true...

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