Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 1 (i.e. I'm way too jetlagged to come up with a creative title)

Note to Reader: Use a ''wise-ass Ty Williams voice'' when reading the the following first sentance of this blog:

Wow - Who would've guessed it would cold and raining in Ireland? In spite of the less than savory weather (it really doesn't matter), I'm overly excited to be overseas and had a wonderful first day in Europe. We arrived early this morning and I, unable to sleep on the airplane, have been somewhat of a zombie ever since. However, we saw some amazing ancient books at Trinity College and walked through the most ornate and inspiring library I've ever seen afterward. We stumbled blindly into Ireland's largest shopping district, and spent the better part of an hour discussing Russian foreign policy with a guy who wanted to sell me a watch. After checking into the hostel (and napping) we wandered to the Temple Bar District and watched the Liverpool game on TV with an incredibly friendly Dutch guy named Baus (we called him ''Boss''). Upon our glorious victory, I found myself meandering aimlessly in a Liverpool-induced (and Guinness-enhanced) euphoria-daze. I led us to a bar with live Irish music, and hung around for a long time listening, singing and spacing out to some really fun folk tunes. Travel rocks...I am blessed.


Tony Martinez said...

Sounds like you have hit the ground running. Happy Birthday. Live it up. I wish I was there. I got a job. Post some pics. When in Amsterdam...oh wait, you aren't going there this trip...When in Rome...oh wait, not there either...well the two principles still apply.


Marte Williams said...

So glad you are safe. It seems all is excellent. Beer, music, shopping and Russian politics- all the essentials for great travel. Enjoy every minute!

Marte Williams said...

Hey Ty-
Happy Birthday!!!
Sounds like you are celebrating in style.
We love and miss you.
The fam